
Nurses have an essential role in caring for end-of-life patients. Nevertheless, the nurse's involvement in the passive euthanasia decision-making process is insufficient and lower than expected. To explore factors associated with nurses' intention to be involved in non-treatment decisions (NTD) regarding passive euthanasia decision-making versus their involvement in the palliative care of patients requesting euthanasia, using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) framework. A cross-sectional study utilizing a random sample. The study was conducted in one of the largest hospitals in Israel among 125 nurses employed in internal and surgical care wards. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews between March and April 2019. A closed structured questionnaire was developed according to TPB instructions. A paired sample t test and two multiple hierarchical regressions were conducted. Variance explained (R2) and the significance of F change were calculated for each regression. The study used the STROBE statement guideline. The study was approved by the hospital's Helsinki Committee (#20.11.2017). A paired sample t test revealed that nurses' involvement in the palliative care of patients requesting passive euthanasia was significantly higher than in NTD regarding euthanasia. Regression analyses revealed that nurses' position and attitudes explain their intention to be involved in decision-making; attitudes and perceived behavioral control explain nurses' intention to be involved in the care of patients requesting euthanasia. According to the TPB, nurses' attitudes explained their intention to participate in decision-making regarding passive euthanasia. It is recommended to enhance open discussion of this complex issue to encourage nurses' willingness to participate in NTD decision-making regarding euthanasia.

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