
Poverty is a major social welfare problem in Indonesia. Various efforts have been made by the government to overcome the main problems of social welfare in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2009 concerning social welfare, such as the provision of social assistance, social rehabilitation, social security, social empowerment, and social protection. In fact, various efforts made by the government in overcoming social welfare problems in Indonesia are considered not optimal. The lack of optimal distribution of government social assistance is affected by several factors, among others, the large number of data used as parameters and data collection and calculations that are still carried out simply and manually cause errors so that the results obtained are not on target. The study was conducted by examining the determining variables of eligibility for social assistance recipients using theSimple Additive Weighting method. To optimize the determination of the eligibility of beneficiaries in the TPS3R area of Pringsewu district, in this study the determining criteria will be applied to a system using the Decision Support System model. The decision-making system will be carried out by applying several variables as a basis for decision making including, Domicile, Family Economic Status, Employment, Income, Beneficiary Status Assistance, Number of Dependents and Home Conditions. By using the Decision Support system, poverty alleviation programs in the TPS3R area of Pringsewu district can be carried out quickly, effectively and efficiently and on target

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