
To understand a visual scene, the brain needs to identify objects and distinguish them from background. A border marks the transition from object to background, but to differentiate which side of the border belongs to the object and which to background, the brain must integrate information across space. An early signature of this computation is that brain cells signal which side of a border is ‘owned’ by an object, also known as border ownership. But how the brain computes border ownership remains unknown. The optic nerve is a cable-like group of nerve cells that transmits information from the eye to the brain’s visual processing areas and into the visual cortex. This flow of information is often described as traveling in a feedforward direction, away from the eyes to progressively more specialized areas in the visual cortex. However, there are also numerous feedback connections in the brain, running backward from more specialized to less specialized cortical areas. To better understand the role of these feedforward and feedback circuits in the visual processing of object borders, Franken and Reynolds made use of their stereotyped projection patterns across the cortex layers. Feedforward connections terminate in the middle layers of a cortical area, whereas feedback connections terminate in upper and lower layers. Since time is required for information to traverse the cortical layers, dissecting the timing of border ownership signals may reveal if border ownership is computed in a feedforward or feedback manner. To find out more, electrodes were used to record neural activity in the upper, middle and lower layers of the visual cortex of two rhesus monkeys as they were presented with a set of abstract scenes composed of simple shapes on a background. This revealed that cells signaling border ownership in deep layers of the cortex did so before the signals appeared in the middle layer. This suggests that feedback rather than feedforward is required to compute border ownership. Moreover, Franken and Reynolds found evidence that cells that prefer the same side of border ownership are clustered in columns, showing how these neural circuits are organized within the visual cortex. In summary, Franken and Reynolds found that the circuits of the primate brain that compute border ownership occur as columns, in which cells in deep layers signal border ownership first, suggesting that border ownership relies on feedback from more specialized areas. A better understanding of how feedback in the brain works to process visual information helps us appreciate what happens when these systems are impaired.

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