
Our research presents a thorough analysis of climatic and environmental transformations in the Central Dnieper Basin (CDB) during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. It focuses on the study of glacial features left by the Dnieper lobe of the Saalian ice sheet and the co-occurring loess covers, as expressions of Pleistocene climatic fluctuations and landscape changes.The research includes a detailed analysis of loess distribution, revealing a clear contrast between isolated loess patches in the northern lowlands and a continuous, thick loess cover in the south, especially from the latitude of Kyiv. These covers contain well-developed paleosols, reflecting interglacial changes, which form the basis for deep chronostratigraphic correlations on a regional and supra-regional scale. A key element of the study is resolving unresolved stratigraphic issues of the Pleistocene in Ukraine, with particular emphasis on the chronostratigraphic position of loess and paleosol units in the context of global climatic stages.The main aim of the research is to identify local environmental influences on recorded Quaternary events following the deglaciation of the Dnieper lobe, to reconstruct the interactions between landscape changes post-glacial retreat and aeolian systems, and to establish a comprehensive and reliable stratigraphy for the Quaternary deposits of the Central Dnieper area. The methodology includes the application of a wide range of multidisciplinary techniques, including detailed grain size distribution and chemical composition analysis, advanced colourimetric measurements, paleomagnetic studies and luminescence dating. The research is based on original and older (palynological) studies on the Pleistocene, highlighting the importance of loess-palaeosol sequences in reconstructing the environmental history of the region.The CDB, located at the juncture of the Dnieper Upland and Dnieper Lowland, provides unique insights into glacial, fluvial, and loess accumulation. Research includes detailed lithological and pedological sediment characterizations at key geological sites. Results of laboratory analysis clarify transport, deposition, and transformation processes of glacial and aeolian materials, indicating significant loess autochthony. Thermal and precipitation data from pollen analysis of mineral-soil sediments highlight the climatic condition's spatial and temporal variability in the CDB. Biome analysis shows varied landscape mosaics in each cycle, with no total deforestation in climatic pessima or complete afforestation in interglacial optima. These findings offer new insights into the CDB's complex Pleistocene stratigraphy, evidencing the last ice sheet's advance in the Dnieper valley during MIS8, and its link to ana- and kataglacial L3 loess sedimentation phases. They also emphasize the local variability and diversity of soil cover evolution and transformation after the glacial retreat, influenced by the post-glacial topography.Our research significantly broadens the understanding of environmental changes in the Middle and Late Pleistocene in the CDB, contributing to the development of stratigraphic models and paleoenvironmental reconstructions on both regional and global scales.Research carried out as part of the grant of National Science Centre, Poland as the project no. 2018/31/B/ST10/01507 entitled “Global, regional and local factors determining the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental record in the Ukrainian loess-soil sequences along the Dnieper River Valley – from the proximal areas to the distal periglacial zone”.

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