
Plant functioning and responses to abiotic stresses largely involve regulations at the transcriptomic level via complex interactions of signal molecules, signaling cascades, and regulators. Nevertheless, all the signaling networks involved in responses to abiotic stresses have not yet been fully established. The in-depth analysis of transcriptomes in stressed plants has become a relevant state-of-the-art methodology to study these regulations and signaling pathways that allow plants to cope with or attempt to survive abiotic stresses. The plant science and molecular biology community has developed databases about genes, proteins, protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions and ontologies, which are valuable sources of knowledge for deciphering such regulatory and signaling networks. The use of these data and the development of bioinformatics tools help to make sense of transcriptomic data in specific contexts, such as that of abiotic stress signaling, using functional biological approaches. The aim of this chapter is to present and assess some of the essential online tools and resources that will allow novices in bioinformatics to decipher transcriptomic data in order to characterize the cellular processes and functions involved in abiotic stress responses and signaling. The analysis of case studies further describes how these tools can be used to conceive signaling networks on the basis of transcriptomic data. In these case studies, particular attention was paid to the characterization of abiotic stress responses and signaling related to chemical and xenobiotic stressors.

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