
We present a study of decimetric radio activity, using the first high time cadence (0.5 s) images from the ${\textit{Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope}}$ (${\textit{GMRT}}$) at 610 MHz, associated with ${\textit{GOES}}$ C1.4 and M1.0 class solar flares, and a coronal mass ejection (CME) onset that occurred on 20 June 2015. The high spatial resolution images from ${\textit{GMRT}}$ show a strong radio source during the C1.4 flare, located ~500$''$ away from the flaring site with no corresponding bright footpoints or coronal features nearby. In contrast, however, strong radio sources are found near the flaring site during the M1.0 flare and around the CME onset time. Weak radio sources, located near the flaring site, are also found during the maximum of the C1.4 flare activity, which show a temporal association with metric type III bursts identified by the Solar Broadband Radio Spectrometer at Yunnan Astronomical Observatory. Based on a multi-wavelength analysis and magnetic potential field source surface extrapolations, we suggest that the source electrons of ${\textit{GMRT}}$ radio sources and metric type III bursts were originated from a common electron acceleration site. We also show that the strong ${\textit{GMRT}}$ radio source is generated by a coherent emission process and its apparent location far from the flaring site is possibly due to the wave-ducting effect.

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