
Recent evidence indicates that macrophages at the maternal–fetal interface adapt to a phenotype characterized by alternative activation (M2 polarization) and exhibit immunosuppressive functions that favor the maintenance of pregnancy. The bias of M2 decidual macrophages toward M1 has been clinically linked to pregnancy-related complications, such as preeclampsia and preterm delivery. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Toxoplasma gondii PRU strain infection on the bias of decidual macrophage polarization and its contribution to adverse pregnancy outcomes. A mouse model with adverse pregnancy outcome was established by infection with T. gondii PRU strain and the expression levels of functional molecules in decidual macrophages of mice were measured. The results showed that T. gondii infection caused seriously adverse pregnancy outcome in mice. The placentae of infected mice showed obvious congestion and inflammatory cell infiltration. The expression of CD206, MHC-II, and arginase-1 considered as M2 markers was decreased in decidual macrophages after T. gondii infection, whereas the expression of CD80, CD86, iNOS, and cytokines TNF-α and IL-12 considered as M1 markers was increased. Furthermore, iNOS-positive expression was observed in the decidua basalis of infected mice. Our results indicated that T. gondii infection was responsible for the bias of M2 decidual macrophages toward M1, which changes the immunosuppressive microenvironment at the maternal–fetal interface and contributes to adverse pregnancy outcomes.

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