
Our concern is the problem of determining the data complexity of answering an ontology-mediated query (OMQ) given in linear temporal logic LTL over (ℤ, <) and deciding whether it is rewritable to an FO(<)-query, possibly with extra predicates. First, we observe that, in line with the circuit complexity and FO-definability of regular languages, OMQ answering in AC⁰, ACC⁰ and NC¹ coincides with FO(<,≡)-rewritability using unary predicates x ≡ 0 (mod n), FO(<,MOD)-rewritability, and FO(RPR)-rewritability using relational primitive recursion, respectively. We then show that deciding FO(<)-, FO(<,≡)- and FO(<,MOD)-rewritability of LTL OMQs is ExpSpace-complete, and that these problems become PSpace-complete for OMQs with a linear Horn ontology and an atomic query, and also a positive query in the cases of FO(<)- and FO(<,≡)-rewritability. Further, we consider FO(<)-rewritability of OMQs with a binary-clause ontology and identify OMQ classes, for which deciding it is PSpace-, Π₂^p- and coNP-complete.

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