
This paper focuses on the problem of change detection through a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) whose nodes report only binary decisions (on the presence/absence of a certain event to be monitored), due to bandwidth/energy constraints. The resulting problem can be modelled as testing the equality of samples drawn from independent Bernoulli probability mass functions, when the bit probabilities under both hypotheses are not known. Both One-Sided (OS) and Two-Sided (TS) tests are considered, with reference to: (i) identical bit probability (a homogeneous scenario), (ii) different per-sensor bit probabilities (a non-homogeneous scenario) and (iii) regions with identical bit probability (a block-homogeneous scenario) for the observed samples. The goal is to provide a systematic framework collecting a plethora of viable detectors (designed via theoretically founded criteria) which can be used for each instance of the problem. Finally, verification of the derived detectors in two relevant WSN-related problems is provided to show the appeal of the proposed framework.

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