
In this paper, a decentralized formation control is proposed which enables collision free coordination and navigation of agents. We present a simple method to define the formation of multi-agents and individual identities (IDs) of agents. Two decentralized coordination and navigation techniques are proposed for the formation of rovers. Agents decide their own behaviors onboard depending upon the motion initiative of the master agent of the formation. In these approaches, any agent can estimate behavior of other agents in the formation. These will reduce the dependency of individual agent on other agents while taking decisions. These approaches reduce the communication burden on the formation where only the master agent broadcasts its motion status per sampled time. Any front agent can act as a master agent without affecting the formation in case of fault in initial master agent. The main idea of this paper is to develop an adequate computational model under which agents in the formation will perform to coordinate among each other. Assignments of IDs to agents are very useful in real-time applications. These proposed schemes are suitable for obstacle avoidance in unknown environment as a whole formation. Agents are free from collision among each other during navigation. These schemes can be used for velocity as well as orientation alignment problems for a multi-agent rover network. These schemes are tested with extensive simulations and responses of agents show satisfactory performances to deal with different environmental conditions.

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