
For a citizen, voting is the fundamental tool to bring change in the country for good governance, through electing suitable candidates or a party to give them the power to govern. There are many forms of elections be it in the democratic or monarch systems. Each way, the vote has the power to elect the next people’s representatives. For a long time, paper-based voting was the only system being used globally for years; after the dot-com bubble, many countries emerged with electronic voting. But the problems such as security, transparency, and integrity of elections and the voting process are still under question. The issue with paper-based voting was accessibility, voter turns around and tallies, electronic voting has its own advantages and disadvantages such as a single point of failure, trustful systems, and loopholes to forge the electronic voting systems to alter the outcomes. To solve the problems related to the electronic voting process security, integrity, and transparency, an advanced approach is required to adopt. With the advancement of technologies, 4th industry revolution technologies give us Blockchain, Distributed Ledger and Smart Contract types of technologies which may be beneficial to solve the current problems in electronic voting systems. In this paper, we proposed a research-based case study to implement Decentralized Electronic Voting using Smart Contracts (DEV-SC) to solve security, transparency, and integrity-related problems available in the electronic voting process. This will ensure and enhance the voting process easily, trustable, and verifiable.

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