
Due to the spectrum varying nature of cognitive radio networks, secondary users are required to perform spectrum handoffs when the spectrum is occupied by primary users, which will lead to a handoff delay. In this paper, based on the multi-armed bandit framework of medium access in decentralized cognitive radio networks, we investigate blind spectrum selection problem of secondary users whose sensing ability of cognitive radio is limited and the channel statistics are a priori unknown, taking the handoff delay as a fixed handoff cost into consideration. In this scenario, secondary users have to make the choice of either staying foregoing spectrum with low availability or handing off to another spectrum with higher availability. We model the problem and investigate the performance of three representative policies, i.e., ρPRE, SL(K), kth-UCB1. The simulation results show that, despite the inclusion of the fixed handoff cost, these policies achieve the same asymptotic performance as that without handoff cost. Moreover, through comparison of these policies, we found the kth-UCB1 policy has better overall performance.


  • In cognitive radio networks (CRNs), secondary users (SUs) may access a potentially large number of frequency bands or channels that are not occupied by primary users (PUs) at given time and space

  • Compressive sensing is adopted as a wideband spectrum sensing technology for CRNs to solve this problem [2,3], little research has been done to implement feasible wide band spectrum sensing, as it is especially difficult to perform compressive sensing when prior knowledge of the primary signals is lacking

  • The policy parameter configuration is the decay rate β = 400 for the PRE policy and β = 50 for the kth-UCB1 policy, which is an optimal configuration according to the authors of [11], and the SL(K) policy is parameterless

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In cognitive radio networks (CRNs), secondary users (SUs) may access a potentially large number of frequency bands or channels that are not occupied by primary users (PUs) at given time and space. TThhee ccooggnniittiivvee rraaddiioo ffrraammee ssttrruuccttuurree iiss sshhoowwnn iinn FFiigguurree 22..

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