
Many developing countries are decentralising the administration of their road networks with the aim of improving the delivery of rural transport infrastructure services. A study of decentralisation of road administration in developing countries has been undertaken, including a literature review, and field studies in Nepal, Uganda and Zambia. The evidence from this study suggests that it is proving difficult to realise the expected benefits fully. Problems include a lack of local government powers to exercise political influence, insufficient financial resources, a lack of management capability, and a lack of accountability mechanisms. Limited data also suggest that there is little evidence of existing decentralised systems being particularly responsive to addressing the needs of the rural poor. Different models for administrative decentralisation have been developed through this study. They are described, and recommendations are made for approaches likely to be the most appropriate for rural transport infrastructure administration and management. However, the benefits can be assured only through a long-term investment in establishing effective systems at a local level and building local capacity. There is also a need for the poor to be involved more actively in the planning, financing and implementation process, if poverty alleviation is to be achieved.

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