
The economic crisis that shook the world in 2008 has affected the social and economic status of many State’s and business subjects as well as separate persons. All countries that faced the economic downturn took various actions related to economic, legal and social measures, which aimed to promote labour market and reduce the negative effects of the crisis. All these measures in one way or another determined the social, economic and legal situation of employees, especially of unemployed persons.This article aims to analyse and evaluate the consequences of legal decisions made during the economic crisis and threats caused by them in the context of the right to decent work. It starts by defining the concept of decent work as well as its peculiarities of legal regulation in the context of international labour law and doctrine. This is followed by the analysis of measures, related to employment rights, which were taken to tackle causes of the economic downturn in Lithuania, and their legal doctrinal assessment.The economic crisis that shook European and world markets in 2008 at once revealed threats to the social and economic safety of employees. The international community responded immediately to the situation by calling countries to take anti-crisis measures, in a way that the principle of decent work will be led and the minimum of fundamental labour and social rights that are in content with such principle will be ensured.In order to tackle causes of the economic crisis as well as trying to prevent even greater its impact, during the period of 2008–2012 the Lithuanian government took many measures to liberalise employment relations. However, no crucial and radical decisions were made, so labour market took the so-called self-regulation. In Lithuania during the crisis negative atmosphere both in moral and economic sense as well as the measures taken by employee and the position of the government, created preconditions to talk about fundamental labour right violations, therefore, it means the disregard of the principle of decent work.


  • The article analysis the concept of decent work and its elements as well as declared fundamental rights of employees

  • The concept of decent work is defined according to the international labour law standards and labour law doctrine

  • There is the evaluation of impact of such measures on the principle of decent work

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Daiva Petrylaitė

Straipsnyje[1] analizuojama oraus darbo principo samprata, jos elementai, deklaruojamos pagrindinės darbuotojų teisės. Taigi per ketverius krizės metus buvo bent tris kartus bandoma reformuoti darbo santykių teisinį reguliavimą ir išties eiti prie liberalesnės formos (tą siūlė padaryti ir Europos Taryba40), tačiau visa tai baigėsi labiau redakciniais, paviršiniais teisės normų pokyčiais, kurie realiai nesukūrė jokios verslui palankesnės, lankstesnės darbo organizavimo aplinkos, o tik sukėlė daug diskusijų visuomenėje, kėlė sumaištį tarp darbuotojų, profesinių sąjungų ir įnešė dar daugiau moralinio nepasitenkinimo nei apčiuopiamos suderėtos ir konstruktyviai priimtos reformos. Lietuvoje visiškai sužlugdytas demokratijos darbe institutas, darbuotojai kardinaliai susiskaidę, nebeturi vieningo balso netgi esminiais jų darbo, 41 Tai dar kitaip vadinama „darbo santykių neformalėjimu“ (Charles Woolfson), kai bloginamos įsidarbinimo ir darbo galimybės, suvaržomos darbo teisės, o darbuotojai, neturėdami galimybės tam pasipriešinti dėl susiklosčiusių neigiamų darbo rinkos sąlygų, su tuo taikstosi vien todėl, kad geriau toks darbas negu jokio.

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