
<abstract> The article discusses the effect of weak and strong damping terms on decay rate for systems of nonlinear $ m $- wave equations with new viscoelastic structures. The factors that allowed system (1.1) to coexist for a long time are the strong nonlinearities in the sources. We showed, under a novel condition on the kernel function in (2.4), a new scenario for energy decay in (3.7) by using an appropriate energy estimates. This result extend the results in <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b18">18</xref>,<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b27">27</xref>]</sup> for system of $ m $-equations inspired from the paper <sup>[<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="b1">1</xref>]</sup>. </abstract>

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