
The radiations from the decay of the 1.8-h /sup 149/Nd were investigated using an intermediate-image beta spectrometer and scintillation coincidence spectrometers in conjunction with a 512-channel analyzer. Various gamma-gamma and beta-gamma coincidence measurements, not reported earlier, were made in order to establish the decay scheme with improved techniques. The beta spectrum showed four major components with end-point energies 1555 kev (6%), 1425 kev (38%), 1130 kev (26%), and 1025 kev (30%). The singles gamma spectrum showed the following gamma rays: 650 kev. The 62, 80, 158, 272, and 330-kev gamma rays were not reported earlier. To explnin the various gammagamma and beta-gamma coincidences a new decay scheme with levels in /sup 149/Pm at 114, 210, 272, 352, 510, 538, 650, and 750 kev is proposed, The K-conversion coefficient of the 114-kev transition, which is not determined earlier, was measured and is found to be 0.83 plus or minus 0.1. (auth)

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