
1. One hundred and four white spruce were analyzed for decay at the Kananaskis Forest Experiment Station. Lodgepole pine, Douglas fir, and alpine fir occurring on the sample plot with the spruce were also analyzed.2. On a board foot basis, cull in white spruce averaged 12.5 per cent. Percentages of cull in other species were: lodgepole pine 41.7, Douglas fir 28.3, and alpine fir 0.4.3. Gross and net volume tables for white spruce in board feet and total cubic feet are presented.4. POLYPORUS CIRCINATUS var. DUALIS Peck and FLAMMULA CONNISSANS Fr. were the most important causes of root rot and were responsible for 30 per cent of the total decay volume.5. FOMES PINI (Thore) Lloyd and STEREUM SANGUINOLENTUM Alb. & Schw. ex Fr. were the most important causes of trunk rot and were responsible for more than 50 per cent of the total decay volume.

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