
Considerable evidence has emerged of a sub- stantial decade-long change in the north Pacific atmo- sphere and ocean lasting from about 1976 to 1988. Ob- served significant changes in the atmospheric circula- tion throughout the troposphere revealed a deeper and eastward shifted Aleutian low pressure system in the winter half year which advected warmer and moister air along the west coast of North America and into Alaska and colder air over the north Pacific. Conse- quently, there were increases in temperatures and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) along the west coast of North America and Alaska but decreases in SSTs over the central north Pacific, as well as changes in coastal rainfall and streamflow, and decreases in sea ice in the Bering Sea. Associated changes occurred in the surface wind stress, and, by inference, in the Sverdrup trans- port in the north Pacific Ocean. Changes in the month- ly mean flow were accompanied by a southward shift in the storm tracks and associated synoptic eddy activi- ty and in the surface ocean sensible and latent heat fluxes. In addition to the changes in the physical envi- ronment, the deeper Aleutian low increased the nu- trient supply as seen through increases in total chloro- phyll in the water column, phytoplankton and zoo- plankton. These changes, along with the altered ocean currents and temperatures, changed the migration pat- terns and increased the stock of many fish species. A north Pacific (NP) index is defined to measure the de- cadal variations, and the temporal variability of the in- dex is explored on daily, annual, interannual and de- cadal time scales. The dominant atmosphere-ocean re- lation in the north Pacific is one where atmospheric changes lead SSTs by one to two months. However, strong ties are revealed with events in the tropical Pa- cific, with changes in tropical Pacific SSTs leading SSTs in the north Pacific by three months. Changes in the storm tracks in the north Pacific help to reinforce and maintain the anomalous circulation in the upper tro-

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