
The paper presents a full-featured simulation debugging system designed to test programmable controllers for automated process control systems in the laboratory. This system imitates the operating conditions of the automated process control system, as close as possible to the real operating conditions at the automation object. The presented system can form various levels of interference of input signals, influencing the automatic process control system with high-intensity network and impulse noise. The system also allows one to vary the parameters of the communication line. The structure of the conducted interference generator and the variator of the communication line parameters have been developed. A description of all elements necessary for modeling the main types of interference is given. In this work, an analysis of the existing electromagnetic interference in the signal circuits of process control systems was carried out, and the most typical interference was identifed. A block diagram of a conducted interference generator and a variator of communication line parameters has been developed. Both functional blocks are part of the modeling and debugging complex. They allow one to simulate the interference environment for the controller under test by introducing the generated interference into the signal communication lines in a conductive way. The structure of the adapter-former of interference for analog signals is worked out in detail with a description of its main components. Recommendations for choosing the element base are given. The practical signifcance of the performed work lies in the fact that it may improve the efciency of the complex of control and laboratory tests of the systems being created. This allows one to achieve a reduction in complexity and in setup time during implementation at the automation facility

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