
Abstract Translation of the Qurʾan poses many complexities due to its multifaceted and its divine origin. The holy Qurʾan is idiosyncratic in terms of word choice, meaning, syntax, and style. The translator is required to produce a text that is void of distortions; otherwise, a lot of debate may arise and the translation might be lacking. The present study aims at addressing a number of debatable renderings of one discourse deictic demonstrative pronoun (Dhālika) in the second chapter, i.e., The Heifer of the Holy Qurʾan. The researcher meant to compare and critically test four popular Qurʾanic translations to evaluate their renderings of the demonstrative pronoun (Dhālika) and highlight possible defects and shortcomings in the translation. The study results show that four translation strategies are used at various frequencies. The current study postulates that it is beyond all translators’ potentials to attain a finished product of a translation of certain Qurʾanic terms.

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