
As the volume and sophistication of cyber-attacks grow, cybersecurity researchers, engineers and practitioners rely on advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) techniques like big data and machine learning, as well as advanced CI platforms, e.g., cloud and high-performance computing (HPC) to assess cyber risks, identify and mitigate threats, and achieve defense in depth. There is a training gap where current cybersecurity curricula at many universities do not introduce advanced CI techniques to future cybersecurity workforce. At Old Dominion University (ODU), we are bridging this gap through an innovative training program named DeapSECURE (Data-Enabled Advanced Training Program for Cyber Security Research and Education). We developed six non-degree training modules to expose cybersecurity students to advanced CI platforms and techniques rooted in big data, machine learning, neural networks, and high-performance programming. Each workshop includes a lecture providing the motivation and context for a CI technique, which is then examined during a hands-on session. The modules are delivered through (1) monthly workshops for ODU students, and (2) summer institutes for students from other universities and Research Experiences for Undergraduates participants. Future plan for the training program includes an online continuous learning community as an extension to the workshops, and all learning materials available as open educational resources, which will facilitate widespread adoption, adaptations, and contributions. The project leverages existing partnerships to ensure broad participation and adoption of advanced CI techniques in the cybersecurity community. We employ a rigorous evaluation plan rooted in diverse metrics of success to improve the curriculum and demonstrate its effectiveness.

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