
The target of sustainable development - the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Achieved in 2030 is the agenda of Governments around the world based on the resolution of the general assembly issued. The government has shown strong commitment and taken initial action, Including connecting most SDGs targets and indicators into the national medium-term development plan (RJPMN). This research focuses on local government in Realizing the goals of the SDGs, especially the 11th targets on sustainable city development. Sidoarjo has the strategic economic and social potential as the highest industry revenue contributor in East Java. Meanwhile, as a representation of the industrial cities, Sidoarjo faces problems of urban waste. Sidoarjo, the which has received 8 (eight) Verse awards, was finally criticized by the community of environmentalists. Given that urban environmental problems are Believed to influence the legitimacy of the local government. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach that is intended to explore information about the role of local Governments in Realizing the concept of sustainable urban development that focuses on waste management and mitigation of river pollution. This research primary and secondary uses of data types. Primary Data is the result of interviews from research subjects who are interested parties in Sidoarjo RAN, Including Bappeda, DLKH and PUPR. Secondary Data is Obtained from the results of a literature review of local government Several report documents, journals related to the implementation of SDGs and other scientific sources. In an effort to deal with urban waste problems, the Government of Sidoarjo City Applies Several strategies to Achieve urban sustainability. First, the Environmental Agency and the Public Works Agency Carried out the construction of a Sanitary Landfill as an environment-based waste treatment. Second, in Achieving Zero Waste in Sidoarjo City, the government involves sub-districts as stakeholders in regional-based waste management. Keywords: Industry, Local Government, Municipal Waste, Sustainable City Development

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