
Starting from a panoramic view of sacred music that deals with the legislation from St Pius X's Motu Proprio ?Tra le sollecitudini? to the Instruction Musicam Sacram of the Second Vatican Council, this paper focuses on two key elements that will allow to evaluate, in a practical level, the liturgical and musical evolution of this period: the choir (or Schola cantorum) and the assembly. One of the most original elements in Tra le sollecitudini is the ?active participation?. This idea marked the beginning of a process of renewal in liturgy coming from a deeper insight in its theological aspect. Another new element is the viewing of sacred music as an integral part of liturgy. Due to its close relationship to the Word vocal music becomes a perfect way to make more comprehensible the liturgical text and thus admire what happens in the liturgy. As a consequence of this fact the choir gradually abandons its This content downloaded from on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 05:24:55 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms 424 MAR?A JOS? EGIDO LANGARITA status of ornament and comes to hold a ministerial function within the liturgical action.

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