
[EN] This work explores the methodology and the creative process of the set and costume design in the devised show The Passage and how the visual aspects were supporting the construction and the meaning of the show. Our proposal goes towards thinking of the set and the costume design as part of a dramaturgy. The scenic creation of this project was being woven as the contributions of each participant to the development of the characters and the story. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the visual language of the show The Passage as a meaning enhancer of the work and the exploitation of their artistic creation mechanisms. We intend to contextualize this study in the evolution of Portuguese and international stage design combined with the evolution of the concept of dramaturgy and prove that the set and costume design miscarries to illustrate and starts to clarify. It is an active tool, with its own language, construction and interpretation of theatrical performance. There are some research made in the area of set design and less numbered in costume design. We do not know a research that promotes combined research about scenery and costumes as supporting the reading of the theatrical work. We think, with this study, to fill a void in terms of meagre research in scenography and costumes and it is in this perspective that our research becomes relevant complement to what already has been studied in relation to theatre in general and to Set and Costume in particular. When analysing the creative and implementation process in The Passage, although created and displayed in England, we are experiencing in Portuguese a study of the theatrical visual elements their creation devices, such deprived area of research. We will approach briefly the different agents that caused the change of the stage design to contextualize and move forward to analysing how the set and costumes are co-creators of the show The Passage. The virtual absence of specific bibliography paves the way for an investigation based on interviews with various players in the theatrical creation, aimed at clarifying issues that arise throughout this work. We would like to refer, as a final note, to the issue that this study seeks in theory and in historical references as a justification for our practice. Our training is in the area of making. We consider essential that the craft areas support in the theoretical statement to justify their choices and how the process of reflection of the artistic operating and procedural systems. Historical references appear not to demonstrate our knowledge in this area, but to contextualize our vision and how they contributed to the creative consolidation of set and costume design. Of what is dressed a show? The Portuguese theatrical slang is often said the expression dress the scene, used to define the framing of the stage space with legs and borders placed geometrically. The correct placement considers the scene visibility issues so that the public is unable to see behind the curtains. Our research goes towards decoding of…

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