
This essay interprets and analyses the painting called “Dioscoridesdescribing the mandrake”, which is currently located in apermanent exhibition at Wellcome Collection in London, UK.The painting features Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek botanistand pharmacologist who practiced in the Roman Empire duringthe rule of Nero. Dioscorides is known for his influential DeMateria Medica, a five-volume book on medicinal uses of variousplants and herbs. What makes this script special and influentialis that it included a vast amount of herbs, detailed descriptions,scientific observations, as well as a scientific classification andorder. Upon reflection on this piece of art, I am reminded of themedical realm that we are gradually becoming a part of as medicalstudents. There is immense passion, knowledge and intelligencein how medicine became modern medicine today. For me, thepainting on Dioscorides’ De Materia Medica is a compelling visualrepresentation of centuries – long endeavor.

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