
The might of death and the power of God: Some biblical perspectives. This article investigates how the might of death and the power of God are related in biblical writings. Factually, there are various biblical images concerning this relationship. Four of them are discussed in this contribution. Firstly, according to many texts, there is no afterlife and God’s power is limited and he is not able to save people after they have died. Secondly, view is disputed in other texts in which it is emphasised that the life of people who are faithful to God and his Torah, will have an open ending. This hope is based on God’s power and not on an indestructible personal core or some divine dimension deep within human beings. Thirdly, the most well known idea is the concept of resurrection which originated in Judaism and emerged when in the second century BCE martyrs died because of their religious convictions. Fourthly, this model has been applied to Jesus, who after having been rescued from death by God, was placed in a position that in many respects is similar to God’s position. In this article recent discoveries about developments in biblical ideas about God’s and Jesus’ competence and functions are integrated.


  • The might of death and the power of God: Some biblical perspectives

  • The most well known idea is the concept of resurrection which originated in Judaism and emerged when in the second century BCE martyrs died because of their religious convictions

  • In dit verhaal worden verschillende termen gebruikt om dit nieuwe geloof tot uitdrukking te brengen: ‘God zal zich over ons ontfermen’ (7:6, 33); hij zal de geloofshelden ‘tot een nieuw, eeuwig leven opwek­ken’ (7:9, 14); de martelaren zullen hun afgehakte handen eens van God terugkrijgen (7:10); volgens de moeder zal de schepper van de wereld, die aan haar kinderen de levensadem heeft geschonken, de levensadem ook weer aan hen teruggeven (7:22−23)10; aan de broers is ‘na een kortstondig lijden het eeuwige leven ten deel gevallen’ (7:36)

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Original Research

How to cite this article: Weren, W.J.C., 2012, ‘De macht van de dood en de kracht van God: Enkele Bijbelse perspectieven’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 68(1), Art. View is disputed in other texts in which it is emphasised that the life of people who are faithful to God and his Torah, will have an open ending This hope is based on God’s power and not on an indestructible personal core or some divine dimension deep within human beings. The most well known idea is the concept of resurrection which originated in Judaism and emerged when in the second century BCE martyrs died because of their religious convictions This model has been applied to Jesus, who after having been rescued from death by God, was placed in a position that in many respects is similar to God’s position. Een intrigerende vraag is hoe hij zich in zijn postpaschale functie van ‘leidsman ten leven’ verhoudt tot ‘de God van het leven’ of ‘de levende God’

De dood vaagt mensen helemaal weg
Vertrouwen op Gods trouw
De groeiende competentie van JHWH
Historische context
Uit de dood doen verrijzen
Verrijzenisgeloof en scheppingsgeloof
Gods blijvende band met de gekruisigde Jezus
Jezus is door God ten leven gewekt
Ter afsluiting
Tegenstrijdige belangen
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