
Of the need and urgency of continuing to queer and trans-form feminism. Notes for the debate from the Spanish context In this article, I analyze the emergence of queer feminist politics and theories at the end of the 1980s, and its critical or null reception in the Spanish context by an important sector of egalitarian feminism, mostly at the academic and institutional levels. This feminism is stuck in a cultural concept of gender that does not question sexual difference and ex aequo, n.o 29, 2014, pp. 55-67 1 Facultad de Educacion, Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha. Gracia.Trujillo@uclm.es. DE LA NECESIDAD Y URGENCIA DE SEGUIR QUEERIZANDO Y TRANS-FORMANDO EL FEMINISMO. UNAS NOTAS PARA EL DEBATE DESDE EL CONTEXTO ESPANOL

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