
The intention of the present work is to demonstrate how an author can rescale himself in the local space thanks to literary agents (publishing houses, festivals, translations etc.), which have the role of emphasizing the value of his work that is willing to (re)win a literary bet precisely in the source culture, relying on a case study around the prose of Tatiana Țibuleac. The novelist gains symbolic capital abroad, on the one hand, because she gravitates between two peripheral spaces, Romania, respectively the Republic of Moldova, the second being subordinated to the first which has become a launching pad to the West, and, on the other hand, through the lens of its actual naturalization in France. What popularizes Tatiana Țîbuleac is not the reception of her novels in Romania, but the post-translation success justified by the attention later paid to the author by the Romanian press, considering the large volume of interviews mapped, most likely, in the wake of her journalistic career. The predilection for a writing of memory doubled by a hypersensitive dimension of an atrophied self or by the toxic frameworks of the relationship with a dysfunctional family – emergencies resolved only under the sign of the pathological, the case of the first novel. At the same time, the ideological panorama of a marginal culture, such as the Republic of Moldova, constrained between Soviet inflections, never completely purified, and the definition of an identity (not only national), as in the Glass Garden, but all of these are also possible causes of Tatiana Tîbuleac’s enrollment among international writers.

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