
De la directora This monographie issue on "The Road to Santiago and Pilgrimage," is an unusual hybrid, not quite a critical cluster embedded within an issue, and not a simple issue sans clustering. I hope that you will leaf through, browse within its color plates, and decide to sit down to read and enjoy the pure pleasure ofholdingaphysicalbookin amoment ofreflection and discovery, a satisfaction hardly afforded by the hasty searches performed on an electronic form's icy screen. Many hands have collaborated in bringing this special collaborative volume to press. The guest editors, lohn K. Moore, Jr. and Thomas D. Spaccarelli, exercised an unusual level ofinitiative and care in assembling a body of articles ofthe highest quality and diversity, which we are proud to present to our readership. As an indication of the submissions' caliber, John K. Moore's contribution, "Juxtaposing James the Greater: Interpreting the Interstices of Santiago as Peregrino and Matamoros", was awarded an honorable mention for the 2007 Conner Prize in the History ofIdeas, an annual essay competition at the University ofAlabama at Birmingham. We must recognize George D. Greenia, La corónica's former Editor in Chief and now Editor at Large, for his vision, vigorous advocacy for the project, indefatigable search for funds, and gentle editorial mentoring. Their combined efforts helped secured the means to produce La coránicas first color-illustrated issue with an extended press run.1 The volume is being presented to those attending the Sacred Steps exhibition and reception, hosted by S. A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo and presided over by the Xacobeo's director Rubén C. Lois, at the 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, in May 2008. The senior editorial team and this issue's Guest Editors offer their profound gratitude to those individuals and institutions who provided 1 Color plates appear in a section between pages 217 and 240 and are numbered as plate 1, etc., sequentially throughout the volume. Black and white images, labeled fig. 1, etc., are numbered within the article in which they appear. 2 Sol Miguel-PrendesLa corónica 36.2, 2008 subsidies directly to La corónica for the creation and dissemination oí this monographic issue. First and foremost is S. A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo The following instiiutions have also made significant financial contributions to the production ofthis volume: Sewanee: The University ofthe South College ofArts and Sciences Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain's Ministry of Culture and U.S. Universities University ofAlabama at Birmingham Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Individuals who have been important financial supporters ofthis project are Eli Capilouto, Provost of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), and his Faculty Development Grant Program; Bert Brouwer, Dean of the UAB School of Aris and Humaniiies; Juan and Josephine Navia and iheir Padre Várela Award in the UAB Department of Foreign Languages and Literature (DFLL); Catherine Daniélou, Associate Dean of the UAB School of Arts and Humanities; Rita Smith Kipp, former Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Sewanee: The University of the South; and Sheri Spaine Long, Chair ofthe UAB DFLL. De la directora As always, the Editor stands in the particular debt of certain individuals who generously contribute their time and expertise to La corónica. They invest great effort in bringing us timely news, evaluating and critiquing submissions, and offering sound advice on editorial policy. They include most recently Matthew Bailey Carmen Benito-Vessels Jane Dangler David Darst Joseph Duggan Steven Dworkin Denise K. Filios Philip Gericke Ana María Gómez Bravo Michael Harney Greg Hutcheson Elena Ivanova Gregory Kaplan Mary Jane Kelley Richard Kinkade Yonsoo Kim Vicente Lledó-Guillen Francisco Marcos Marin Óscar Martín Ignacio Navarrete David Pharies Monserrat Piera Simone Pinet Leila Rouhi Thomas Spaccarelli Peter Schweighofer Barry Taylor Jane Whetnall The senior editorial team joins me as well in expressing our gratitude to Dean Deborah L. Best, Associate Provost Mark Welker, and Chair of the Department of Romance Languages Byron Wells at Wake Forest University. We also thank Dean Joseph Steinmetz and Associate Dean Paul D'Anieri ofthe College ofLiberal Arts and Sciences at...

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