
This article presents the importance of Buitendag’s stance in the so-called ‘theology of nature’. His theological statements endeavour to understand reality in conversation with other academic disciplines to see things in a wider and holistic perspective. Following a suggestion of Moltmann, theology must not restrict itself to internal ecclesiastical and personal faith topics but search for ‘the truth of the whole’. It is argued that Buitendag’s concept of holism is different from Moltmann’s ‘the truth of the whole’. Moltmann’s holism is eschatologically directed after history, but is meaningless in a contemporary debate. His concept of history seems to be problematic too. Buitendag’s holism is more Quinean as a comprehensive relative approach, bottom-up from contemporary insights within different academic disciplines. His theological approach looks like an ellipsis, involving both an ontological and epistemological focus. He defends (Trinitarian) communion as the primary concept, ontologically, which biologists may recognise in their observations of animal communities too. His theology shows a panentheistic perspective for the discourse on divine immanent agency by using as analogy the mind-body relationship in a sophisticated way. Buitendag shows the importance of this perspective for theological hermeneutics. This article presents some logical and theological problems in a panentheistic view which some prominent supporters defend as ‘reality depicting’. Buitendag avoids this because of a relational ontology.


  • Description: Prof. van den Brom is part of the research project, ‘Theology and Nature’, directed by Prof

  • De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur

  • Buitendag’s holism is more Quinean as a comprehensive relative approach, bottom-up from contemporary insights within different academic disciplines. His theological approach looks like an ellipsis, involving both an ontological and epistemological focus

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De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur

Affiliation: 1Department of Dogmatics and Christian Ethics, University of Pretoria, South Africa. How to cite this article: Van den Brom, L.J., ‘De betekenis van Johan Buitendags stellingname in theologie der natuur’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 72(4), a.3295. Buitendag’s holism is more Quinean as a comprehensive relative approach, bottom-up from contemporary insights within different academic disciplines His theological approach looks like an ellipsis, involving both an ontological and epistemological focus. Bij deze poging om de werkelijkheid te verstaan nodigt hij zijn gesprekspartners uit om voor een goed begrip ook naar stemmen te luisteren die vanuit verschillende wetenschapsgebieden eveneens een poging doen om onze leefwereld te begrijpen. Daarbij denkt Buitendag niet alleen aan de manier waarop allerlei disciplines van de menswetenschappen naar de ons omringende werkelijkheid kijken, maar is hij juist ook geïnteresseerd naar dergelijke uitspraken die vanuit de natuurwetenschappen klinken die een systematisch theoloog te denken geven bij de beeldvorming van de werkelijkheid ‘soos die kwansuis is’. Note: Luco J. van den Brom is an extraordinary Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa

Open Access
Buitendags theologiebegrip
Epistemologische ellips van Buitendag
Theologie met relationele beelden
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