
In most individuals with moderate/mild haemophilia A, FVIII:C levels increase following DDAVP administration to a haemostatic range, thus avoiding the need for FVIII concentrates. We sought to determine the relationship between responsiveness to DDAVP in boys (<18 years old) with mild/moderate haemophilia and patient age, haemophilic severity and haemophilic genotype. Our cohort consisted of 13 boys with moderate and 61 boys with mild haemophilia who, between them, had 38 different mutations; 21 had unique mutations not shared by any other clinic patient, whereas 53 shared one of 17 mutations with some other clinic patient (included 26 boys with ≥ 1 haemophilic brother). Patient age and endogenous FVIII:C levels were strong predictors of response to DDAVP. Younger patients responded less well to DDAVP and 10 of the 11 patients, when retested at an older age, showed an improved response to DDAVP. Only 1 patient with moderate haemophilia responded to DDAVP, whereas 80% of patients with mild haemophilia responded (including all patients with an endogenous FVIII:C of >0.15 U mL(-1)). Almost all patients with the same mutation had the same response to DDAVP or only a minor discordance in response. Patient's age, disease severity and genotype all are predictors of response to DDAVP.

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