
ObjectivesThe transition from experimentation to the scaling up of organizational innovations in public health is arduous. The innovation process requires back-up in view of enhancing the chances of success and generalization. The aim of this article is to present the development of a guide to support the description and analysis of organizational innovations in public health. MethodThe mobilization of two analysis and description tools, ASTAIRE and TIDIeR, made it possible to select the innovation criteria to be considered for generalization. Collective discussions between actors, decision-makers and researchers and individual interviews with the latter refined and completed the proposed guide, which was reread by experts and tested by project leaders, thereby improving its accuracy and usability. ResultsThe guide puts forward a two-step approach: i) to describe innovation at two levels: on the one hand, intervention methods, and on the other hand, interventional, population or contextual components corresponding to 27 criteria and ii) to assess the transferability of the innovation by distinguishing its key functions, its formal elements and the margins of maneuver to be maintained. DiscussionThe guide presents a modular vision of innovations and leaves room for reflection on its mechanisms. It favors the synchronization of innovations with the existing system and their mutualization. ConclusionsBy putting forward a standardised description of organizational innovations in health and analyzing their effectiveness, the tool can effectively contribute to the development of effective, adaptable and generalizable projects, and thereby contribute to progress in public health.

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