
The Early Burdigalian in the type area of the stage (Gironde, South of Bordeaux) comprises marine deposits with rather various facies, often rich in molluscs. Locally, the very basal Formation of “Sables à Mactres” is present, formerly known in Léognan, but very little studied in litteris. We have discovered first at Martillac deposits allocated to this Formation, and we study their paleontological contents. The macrofauna is more diversified than it was expected from the aspect of sediment; for instance, 210 mollusc species have been inventoried in these grey fine sands, bedded and very carbonatic, where Bivalvia shells are well preserved and dominant among the whole fauna. These shells are either scattered in the layers or accumulated in small beds. Echinoids, Asteroids, Crustacea, Annelida, Scleractinia, Brachiopoda, fishes, Alga Rhodophycea, are present, as well as an abundant microbenthos. Taphonomic observations are made on the sandy sequence, and taxonomic and biostratigraphic remarks concern some mollusc species. From a paleoecologic point of view, the endobiont forms are dominant within the malacofauna, they are accompanied by several epibiont and semi-endobiont taxa, and few pelagic and endolith ones. Concerning the trophics, the suspension-feeders molluscs are dominant in specimens number, notably amongst Bivalvia, and carnivores, detritivores/deposit-feeders, herbivores and commensal/parasites are more or less well represented. On the whole, the soft-substrate species are obviously in a majority. This paleobiofacies with Mactrids – Donax – Capsa – Pitar – Loripes – Ringicula corresponds to a deposit in a coastal tidal area, rather calm, of a shallow embayment type, with very few detritics, and submitted to a moderate hydrodynamism and to a subtropical to tropical climate. The reworking is insignificant in the sequence where shells are dispersed (parautochthonous species), and the transport has been limited to the falun beds (e.g. little channels, tides action). The conditions of settlement of the earliest phases of Burdigalian transgression are thus specified in this type area.

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