
A new Late Maastrichtian locality from the Petites-Pyrénées has yielded an important vertebrate fauna. It includes Chondrichthyes (undetermined neoselachian), Osteichthyes (Lepisosteidae, Phyllodontinae, Sparidae?), Chelonia (Pleurodira), Crocodylia, and Dinosauria (Theropoda, Hadrosauridae, Nodosauridae). It is the first mention of a Cretaceous phyllodontine and the first mention of an ankylosaur in the French Late Maastrichtian. Lestaillats is the richest Late Maastrichtian locality in southern France because of the occurrence of both a microfauna and macrovertebrates. It offers new perspectives for the knowledge of the diversity and the evolution of the European vertebrate assemblages in the Latest Cretaceous.

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