
We demonstrate that applying DC voltage at room temperature to an ion-exchanged glass induces quadratic optical nonlinearity in a subsurface region of the glass. We associate this with the EFISH (Electric-Field-Induced Second Harmonic) effect due to the Maxwell–Wagner charge accumulation in the subsurface region of the glass, in which a conductivity gradient forms as a result of the ion exchange processing. The second harmonic (SH) signal from the soda–lime glass subjected to potassium-for-sodium ion exchange is comparable with one from the same glass after thermal poling. The signal linearly increases with the duration of the ion exchange. The lower mobility of the potassium ions results in a higher SH signal from the potassium-for-sodium exchanged glass than that from the silver-for-sodium ion-exchanged one. This phenomenon is resistant to thermal annealing: only a 500 °C anneal caused noticeable degradation of the SH signal after “charging” the specimen. The phenomenon found is of interest for characterizing graded conductivity regions and providing and controlling second-order optical nonlinearity in transparent isotropic media.

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