
Based on the tested results carried out on iced XZP-160, FC160P, FC210P and FXBW-35/100 insulators in the artificial chamber, this paper analyzes the effects of pressure and ice on DC flashover voltage of the insulators, and the relation between DC flashover voltage and ice amount accreted, as well as the effect of voltage polarity on the flashover voltage. And the flashover voltage correction factor of iced insulators with low atmospheric pressures is put forward. The results show that in icing and high altitude districts, the porcelain and glass insulators have better performance than the composite one, and that the pressure has less effect on the XZP and FC insulators than on the composite one, and that during the icing flashover, the composite insulator is much more easier to be burned by partial arcs than the other two. It also suggests that in severe icing and high altitude districts such as in the West China, the porcelain insulator is preferable.

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