
This study was conducted to determine the effects of different thinning intensities on the DBH growth of Pinus koraiensis and Larix kaempferi trees. Permanent monitoring plots were installed in 26 P. koraiensis plantations and 36 L. kaempferi plantations in 2012 and 2014, respectively. To evaluate the effect of thinning intensity, each plot consisted of three square or rectangular plots; control or non-thinned, light thinning, in which 20% of the total basal area was removed, and heavy thinning, in which 40% of the total basal area was removed. The mean DBH increments for 3 years were computed and compared across thinning intensities. Other factors, such as slope, altitude, or stand density, were compared across thinning treatments to understand why DBH increment did not follow thinning intensity. Overall mean DBH increment for 3 years after thinning was affected by different thinning intensities: heavy thinning > light thinning > control. ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference in DBH increment among thinning intensities in both species. Also, Duncan’s multiple range test showed that all thinning treatments were significantly different from each other. Other factors that affect DBH besides thinning intensity were identified, such as residual basal area, slope gradient, and aspect.

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