
In the context of the political philosophy of liberalism, the author analyzes the existence of assumptions that the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina legitimizes itself as a constitutional, democratic and legal state on the basis of the 1995 Constitution. Analyzing the functioning of the state of BiH on the basis of the Constitution from 1995, as well as the conditions and circumstances under which the Dayton Peace Agreement was concluded, the author concludes that there are no elementary assumptions that the state of BiH could be legitimized as a constitutional, democratic and legal state, that is, a state in which implements the principle of the rule of law. It is emphasized that the state of BiH is not an expression of the freely expressed will of the citizens and the people of BiH, as well as that the Dayton Constitution is not a confirmation of the existence of a social consensus of the people and citizens of BiH. In the author's opinion, the Dayton constitution can only represent a temporary and transitional solution, and by no means a permanent basis for the functioning of the state of BiH. In this sense, a constitutional revision is necessary, which would entail the adoption of a completely new constitution of BiH or a thorough reform of the existing one, the so-called of the Dayton Constitution. The Dayton Agreement and the Dayton Constitution are understood only as a basis for the construction of the "Bosnian Agreement" and the "Bosnian Constitution", and by no means as a permanent solution.

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