
The Dayak Limbai tribe is a Dayak sub-tribe in Melawi Regency, West Kalimantan Province. The Dayak Limbai tribe uses plants for the mupok traditional ritual ceremony. However, the Dayak Limbai Tribe has no written documentation and is not in scientific literature. This research aims to obtain plant species, plant parts used, how to utilize them, and the meaning of plants used in the traditional ritual ceremony of mupok. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method using a survey technique. The data collection tool used is an interview sheet. Data analysis used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study were 15 plant species in 12 families that were used as ritual plants in the mupok traditional ceremony in the Dayak Limbai tribe. The plant parts used are stems, leaves, fruits, and seeds. Plants are seven ritual plants and one chicken tied together, which will later be moved towards sunrise and sunset. Plants moving toward sunrise have as many as four ritual plants, while plants moving toward sunset have as many as three.

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