
Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is a well-known traditional medicinal plant that thrives in Indonesia. The amount of fruit production per year can reach 1500 pieces per plant but is easily damaged, its shelf life is short, the taste of sour fruit causes not many people to consume the fruit fresh, in addition, have a low selling price and economic value. Therefore to increase the storage capacity, selling price, and economic value it is necessary to process into functional foods such as jelly drinks. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) jelly drink products. The method of this research was the design of random group. The first factor is the concentrate of carrageenans (1%; 1,5%; 2%) and the second factor is the concentrate of sugars (13%, 15%). Observations on Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) jelly drink (taste, color, aroma, suction power, and mouthfeel) by 25 untrained panelists. Organoleptic test data were analyzed by nonparametric statistical methods using the Friedman test. The results showed that the best treatments on consumer acceptance of jelly drink Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in an organoleptic manner was obtained from treatment with 1,5% carrageenan and 15% sugar with a product value of 2,39 with a mean value of panelist favorability to taste on 6,23; the color on 7,76; aroma on 7,19; suction power on 8,5; mouthfeel on 7,54.


  • Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is a well-known traditional medicinal plant that thrives in Indonesia

  • Faktor pertama adalah proporsi konsentrasi karagenan (1%; 1,5%; 2%) dan faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi gula (13%, 15%)

  • Namun pada saat konsentrasi karagenan dinaikkan menjadi 2% dengan proporsi gula sama (15%), gel menjadi susah dihisap

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Rasa Hasil uji organoleptik pada rasa jelly drink belimbing wuluh menunjukkan bahwa rerata ranking kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa jelly drink belimbing wuluh berkisar antara 5,52– 7,48. Berdasarkan tabel 1, rerata nilai tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa jelly drink belimbing wuluh pada berbagai perlakuan yang dilakukan menunjukkan nilai terendah pada perlakuan karagenan 1,5% dan gula 13%. Nilai tertinggi tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa jelly drink belimbing wuluh pada perlakuan karagenan 1% dan gula 15%. Dengan konsentrasi karagenan yang sama, semakin besar kandungan gula pada jelly drink belimbing wuluh, semakin besar pula rerata tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap jelly drink belimbing wuluh. Hasil ini sejalan dengan penelitian Gani et al (2014) yang menunjukkan nilai kesukaan terhadap rasa jelly drink rosela-sirsak menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi karagenan yang ditambahkan. Untuk meningkatkan tingkat kesukaan terhadap rasa, jelly drink belimbing wuluh dapat menambahkan buah atau bahan lain yang memiliki rasa dasar manis, sehingga dapat menutupi rasa asam buah belimbing wuluh

Rerata tingkat kesukaan panelis
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