
This study aims to find out how to make gluten-free cookies so that autistic people can consume cookies without fear of risk of tantrums. Knowing the preference level of cookies reviewed from organoleptic tests includes color, aroma, taste, and texture. This research method uses a quantitative approach using the experimen method. Data collection techniques in the form of documentation and questionnaires to find out the level of preference based on organoleptic tests. The research was conducted by spreading questionnaires to students of PGRI Adi Buana University Surabaya as many as40 students from the boga system study program. Using one-way Anava analysis techniques (One way Anava) to find out the level of favorability is reviewed from organoleptic tests.After the analysis, it can be concluded that the most preferred sample is in the X3 sample (formulation of 75 grams of mocaf flour and 65 grams of palm sugar) the percentage is 36%. There is a difference in the acceptability of 4 types of mocaf cookies and palm sugar treatments. It can be concluded that the most preferred receiving power is the X3 sample with a formulation of 75 grams of mocaf flour and 65 grams of palm sugar. Because in terms of taste is sweeter than other samples, in terms of color is more interesting, namely brownish, in terms of aroma does not smell mocaf, in terms of texture is crisper

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