
The tragic events in the Middle East that have been going on for many years, connected with religious slogans and the activism of extremist Islamist organizations, force us to turn to the origins of these movements. Analysis of documents and evidence of that time allows us to conclude that the beginning of the struggle and propaganda of Islamist organizations in the region should be attributed to the period earlier than it was accepted, namely to the early years of the 20th century. The main materials, used by the author, were the reports of the Russian consul in Damascus, Prince Boris N. Shakhovskoy (1870–1926). This diplomat described in detail the work of local branch of the organization «Mohammedan Brotherhood», which was launched in 1909 in Damascus as well. As it was the case with the almost namesake Egyptian organization, established in 1928, which at the time of its foundation, some researchers associated with the British intelligence, Shakhovskoy in his time also believed that the British were interested in destabilization of public security in Syrian regions and used its potential in the interests of Britain. This notion is confirmed both in the earlier period and later, until today.


  • В истории Османской империи Младотурецкая революция 1908 г. стала как бы кульминацией заключительного акта ее многовекового существования

  • В парламенте с этой могучей силой солидаризовались представители Либерального союза, Ахрар

  • Как видно из донесений нашего консула, дело доходило до обсуждения среди мусульман, какие из колонизаторов (англичане или французы) предпочтительнее для них после краха империи

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В истории Османской империи Младотурецкая революция 1908 г. стала как бы кульминацией заключительного акта ее многовекового существования. Она пришла под лозунгами искоренения западного влияния и утверждения шариата как закона для населения империи-халифата. Так что это вполне могла быть более универсальная исламистская структура, которая даже не была суфийской.

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