
Davis Creek silt is the informal name for a previously unreported loess and its reworked detritus encountered at several locations to the south of the east and centre blocks of the Cypress Hills. This unit intervenes between a pediment with an estimated age of 10 Ma and Late Wisconsinan glacial deposits. Because the unit has reversed magnetization, it is older than 788 ka, the astronomical age of the Matuyama–Brunhes magnetic polarity reversal. The unit also contains an undated volcanic ash from the Pearlette ash family that could represent the Mesa Falls (1.27 Ma) or the Huckleberry Ridge (2.02 Ma) ash bed. Davis Creek silt overlies an oxidized weathering zone and contains large secondary carbonate nodules near its truncated top that were, in places, reworked into a lag deposit or stone line before accumulation of the glacial overburden. At one location Davis Creek silt is separated from this overburden by a unit of cryoturbated gravelly loam with remnants of a reddish-yellow paleosolic B horizon.

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