
David Gwynne Evans was born in Atherton, near Manchester, on 6 September 1909 of Welsh parents; his father, a schoolmaster, was from Pembrokeshire and his mother from Bangor, North Wales. He was the third of four children in a distinguished family. His older brother, Meredith Gwynne, became Professor of Physical Chemistry in Leeds and later in Manchester and was a Fellow of the Royal Society. His sister, Lynette Gwynne, took a degree in modern languages at Manchester University and taught in girls’ high schools. His younger brother, Alwyn Gwynne, after holding a lectureship in Manchester University was appointed to the Chair of Physical Chemistry in Cardiff University. David left Leigh Grammar School in 1928 at the age of 18 years and worked for two years in a junior capacity for the British Cotton Growers’ Association at the Manchester Cotton Exchange. However, when Alwyn went up to Manchester University in 1931, David decided to go with him and both graduated B.Sc. in physics and chemistry three years later and M .S c. after a further year. At this time Professor Maitland in the Department of Bacteriology wanted a chemist to help in the public health laboratory which was run by his department. Professor Lapworth recommended David for the post and thus David entered the field of bacteriology and immunology, to which he was to contribute so much. He was appointed Demonstrator and soon afterwards Assistant Lecturer in the University Department. During these early years he worked with Professor Maitland on the toxins of Haemophilus pertussis (now Bordetella pertussis ) and related organisms, work that provided a sound basis for his subsequent interest in whooping cough immunization and later for his abiding interest in vaccination against other diseases and in the standardization of vaccines and antisera.

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