
An isotopic dating investigation (66 K-Ar and 34 Rb-Sr analyses) provided the geochronological framework for the Alpine events of metamorphism and granitic magmatism on Naxos. The oldest phase of high-pressure/medium-temperature metamorphism, M1, was dated by Rb-Sr and K-Ar analyses of paragonites, phengitic muscovites and muscovites at 45±5 Ma (Middle Eocene). Most of the record of the M1 phase has been eraded by a second phase of medium-pressure/high-temperature metamorphism, M2, which induced a metamorphic zonation with anatectic melting in the highest-grade part, the migmatite dome. Most K-Ar dates of M2 hornblendes, muscovites, biotites and tourmalines range from about 21 Ma in the lower-grade part (biotite-chloritoid zone) to about 11 Ma in the migmatite dome. From the pattern of K-Ar mineral dates it is concluded that the M2 phase took place 25±5 Ma ago (Late Oligocene/Early Miocene) and was followed by a prolonged cooling history until about 11 Ma ago (Late Miocene), when the ambient temperature in the migmatite dome had decreased to below 400−360 °C. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron analysis of a granodioritic mass dated the intrusion (and the associated M3 phase of contact-metamorphism) at 11.1±0.7 Ma (Late Miocene), with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7112 ±0.0001. A local phase of low-grade retrograde metamorphism, M4, probably related to Late Alpine overthrusting, was dated at about 10 Ma (Late Miocene).

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