
New age determinations by in-situ zircon and titanite LA-ICP-MS analysis for Variscan magmatic activity from Kraishte and Balkan Mts. are reported. The results confirm the presumed Variscan age of the magmatic rocks. For the Sedemte Prestola potassic granitoids, titanite dating reveal an age of 308.7±9.1 Ma. The zircon dating of potassic syenites, cropping out west of Shipka town gave less consistent results – 355±89 Ma. For potassic-alkaline syenite porphyries from the Lutskan pluton, Variscan 206Pb/238U ages cluster in 328–308 Ma interval. Zircons dating of potassic quartzdiorite porphyry from the Lutskan pluton display important inheritance with single 206Pb/238U age of 316 Ma, whereas results of titanite dating range between 350 and 315 Ma, defining poor isochrone of 301±91 Ma and MSWD of 5.6. Zircons from gabbro-diorite porphyries, cutting the Lutskan granitoids plotted on Terra-Wasserburg diagram yield Variscan age of 312±21 Ma and Concordia age of 296±4.6 Ma.

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