
Today's generation of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) based on Open EducationalResources (OER) is able to offer high quality education to all those who decide touse this new type of online lifelong learning. Students who decide to enroll in thesecourses represent an increasingly diverse audience in terms of age and place of origin.The literature is being enriched with research studies that study the demographic dataof the students in relation to different variables, including the type of course MOOCchosen.17 universities join the Eduopen project, including the University of Foggia, which in thefirst three years has contributed to the growth and development of the platform by designingand delivering various MOOCs, involving numerous teachers and stimulatingan increasing number of students from non-geographical areas. necessarily surrounding.Specifically, in April 2019 Unifg counts:– 34 Mooc Courses;– 4 Pathway;– 45 Lecturers and Tutors.– more than 8000 students.This contribution presents an exploratory study carried out on the demographic data ofthe students enrolled in the courses offered by the University of Foggia. Specifically, thedemographic data of the students were analyzed based on age, educational qualificationsand city of origin and studied the correlations between these data and the choiceof available courses.

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