
ABSTRACT A piece of pottery extracted from an early Neolithic level belonging to the Atlantic Cardial Culture at La Lède du Gurp (Gironde, France) has been dated by thermoluminescence. The archaeological dose (i.e. palaeo- dose) was determined using the fine grain technique; the annual dose was assessed from the data obtained by low background gamma spectrome- try and by on site environmental do- simetry. The TL (ThermoLumines- cence) result : BDX 2024 : 6450 ± 520 years before 1991, i.e. around 4460 ВС, agrees with the radiocarbon dates of wood pieces which were found in the close surroundings of the sherds of pottery : 4680-4380 ВС (Ly-5320) after calibration — 95% probability level — and 4800-4530 ВС (Ly-5319).

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