
The dataset includes all raw data and files to regenerate all figures in the paper, where we report novel anti-resonant silica hollow-core fibers (AR-HCFs) for solarization-free ultraviolet (UV) pulse transmission. We present a single fiber that guides over a part of the UV-C and the whole of the UV-A spectral regions and a second AR-HCF used for delivery of 17 nanosecond laser pulses at 266 nm at 30 kHz repetition rate. By direct comparison we demonstrate that the single-mode AR-HCF significantly outperforms commercially-available high-OH and solarization-resistant silica multimode fibers for pulsed light delivery in this spectral range. MATLAB scripts are also found which filter the straylight background in the raw data measured by UV spectrometer and generate the all attenuation curves in the paper.

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