
Satellite communications play an important role in the development of global communications networks. Recently, satellite networking has been receiving a lot of attention as a solution to alleviate the limitations of terrestrial networks due to low stability and coverage. It has many disadvantages, including low processing power, storage space, and limited data security. Illegal access has become a problem. Data processing power is minimal, storage space and data security are limited due to regional power availability and physical satellite limitations, and data can be modified or accessed by malicious users. As the importance of satellite communication increases in the development of global communication networks, concerns about the security of satellite communication are also growing. This project proposes a satellite communication network using blockchain technology and QKD protocol based on authentication and personal information protection. To achieve this goal, an architecture was built consisting of traditional and constrained devices connected to the blockchain over a wireless heterogeneous network. Communication uses registration, authentication, and cancellation. The satellite transmits the received data to a base station on the ground, which stores all key parameters in the decentralized blockchain and removes all invalid node certificates from the blockchain. The proposed blockchain and QKD satellite system provides a high level of security for future 6Gandbeyond networks, Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles and other rapidly developing applications.

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